Monday, March 15, 2021

Battle of the Bands: Up Jumped Spring

 Riding March out staying in the Jazz genre. Spring is just around the corner and will be here by the time I announce the winner. "Up Jumped Spring" sounds like an appropriate tune to welcome Spring. The tune originally by Freddie Hubbard is considered a jazz standard.

Freddie Hubbard

Next I will present two contenders. You tell me in the comments which one you liked the best, or which one you hated the least. I count up the votes and announce a winner in a new post a week or so later.

Contender One: Curtis Fuller

Contender Two: Christian McBride Big Band

One standard, two contestants Curtis versus Christian I did my part. Now I need you to tell me which one you preferred in the comments.

Thanks for visiting and come back soon!


  1. For sure, the Christian McBride version of this song was my favorite. I liked the organ and guitar better than the trumpet and trombone.

  2. I prefer Curtis Fuller with the fuller sound(oops, didn't mean to do that''hahahaa), at least to my ears. Christian McBride was ok but I didn't like the guitar in this which made me feel a bit like I was in an elevator. Curtis gets my vote.

  3. This is a tough one. Either version is a winner. But for my taste I like the more cool laid back sound of Christian McBride. The organ and guitar did it for me.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  4. Mike,

    Both songs were a bit long but that's okay since I could listen while wearing my headphones as I did other things. I'm giving my vote to Christian McBride. I think for the same reason mentioned by Arlee Bird the cool laid back sound. Play along in my BoTB when you get a chance. Have a good day, my friend!

  5. MIKE ~

    Another bote here for the Christian McBride Big Band.

    Electric organ -- 'nuff sed.
    (You know how I am 'bout that.)

    ~ D-FensDogG
