Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Battle of the Bands: See You Later, Alligator

 I am keeping my Battle of the Bands posts separate from my A to Z posts this year. This one certainly compliments my A to Z theme. This time I move genres from jazz to early Rock and Roll. Maybe it is my April Fools prank for this year, but I am changing up the Battle of the Bands format this go around. Instead of sharing the original and two challengers I am going to go with the original versus the famous version. Most of us are doing the other challenge anyway so this one will be short and sweet. 

Contender One: The Original

Bobby Charles "Later, Alligator"

Contender Two: The Famous One

Bill Haley and his Comets

I may have some new readers so I will briefly go over how this works. You listen to both songs and you tell me which one you like the best in the comments. In a week or so I count up the votes (your comments) like kids counting Easter Eggs and announce the winner in another post. It is easy and hopefully fun!

Interesting tidbit the title of the song changes a bit on the first one it is "Later, Alligator" and on the second one it is "See You Later, Alligator."

Photo by me at Alligator Alley in Summerdale, Alabama.

See you later, alligators!


  1. I have to say I love Bill Haley & the Comets more. They seem to be more professional sounding so they get my vote.

  2. I grew with the Bill Haley version. The Bobby Charles is good, but for me the Bill Haley version is the definitive one. Haley and the Comets get my vote.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  3. Good Battle, MIKE.

    This was the first time I ever heard the original recording, but I knew it was Bobby Charles who wrote this song because I remember Robbie Robertson saying so when he introduced him on stage to the audience during The Band's 'Last Waltz'.

    Both recordings are good, but it's kind of like a more R&B sound versus an early R&R sound, and me, I slightly prefer the R&B style, so please give my BOTB bote to BOBBY CHARLES.

    ~ D-FensDogG

  4. Never heard the Bobby Charles original, and you know, I like it better. Bobby for me.
