Friday, February 5, 2021

Black History Month: Kamala Harris Happening Now

 Black History isn't always about times gone years ago. It is happening now. We live in politically polarizing times. However we can not dismiss that in our politics a historic Vice President of the United States has taken her office. 

She becomes the first African American Vice President. Showing future African Americans that it is possible to become Vice President just as President Obama showed it was possible for a black man to become President.

I'm leading with African American due to it being Black History month and she certainly has earned her place in Black History and also history of the United States of America. However there are other glass ceilings being shattered by Kamala Harris.

She is also Asian and becomes the first Asian Vice President. As a father to a daughter I am glad to see that she also became the first woman Vice President. My daughter can look to her and perhaps be inspired one day.

We can disagree about politics. She could be voted out next time or re-elected. However, she has been sworn in to office so those glass ceilings have been broken. Not only has Black History been made but history itself has been made. 

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