Monday, February 15, 2021

Battle of the Bands: 500 Miles High

Jazz pianist, composer and talented musician Chick Corea passed away this month. I wrote a brief post on it here. I am going to honor him more by using one of his pieces for my Battle of the Bands segment. It will also be my first genre change of 2021. 

Here is Chick Corea with "500 Miles High"

Genre might be changing but the rules remain the same. I will select two covers. My readers listen to the covers and tell me which version they like the  best, or which one they hate the least whichever the case might be. They tell me in the comments. You can expand on it and tell me why. I have quoted comments in the past or used them for suggestions for future Battles. Anyway I count up the votes and announce winner in a separate post in about a week. 

Chick recorded this as an instrumental and a version with vocals. To be like Chick and to jazz thing up I am going to do the same.

Contender One: Joe Pass

Contender Two: The Manhattan Transfer

Who gets your vote Joe Pass or The Manhattan Transfer? Instrumental or vocals? Joe Pass adds contrasts with a solo guitar version of the jazz pianist piece. The Manhattan Transfer version is beautiful and a bit more condensed compared to Chick's versions.  Hopefully it will be a good battle.
I hope you enjoy and I will be back with  the results!


  1. I'll pass on Pass and give a vote to the Manhattan Transfer-it was a bit more exciting.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  2. I have to say I didn't care for either but the Manhattan Transfer truly got on my nerves and I couldn't listen to it all so the first gets my vote.

  3. Mike,

    I prefer Joe Pass in this showdown. I hope you'll find time if you haven't already to stop by to vote in my BoTB 2021 Round 4 Showdown - Photograph when you have a moment, my friend. Have a great day!

  4. MIKE ~

    Ordinarily, I really dig The Manhattan Transfer, but this tune just kind of meandered around too much for my tastes.

    On the other hand, the soft golden, lilting hue of JOE PASS and his magic fingers really put me into a mellow mornin' mood. I'll pass on the Transfer and GO WITH JOE!

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'
