Monday, January 18, 2021

Martin Luther King Jr. Day and National Day of Service

 In times like these our Nation can use more Days of Service. I don't care what your skin color, religious belief, or political affiliation. I guarantee your community, neighboring community, state, region, country, world all could use a helping hand to make it better. Here is a day dedicated to it. If you have to work today maybe it will plant a seed for you to volunteer or find a way to give back. 

I have to work today but I have volunteered over 32 hours this month so far. I am planning to do more during the year. My point is if we all did a little we could make the world better for everyone. You could enjoy those improvements. Other people of different colors, religious beliefs, political affiliations could enjoy them too. I think Martin Luther King Jr would look down from heaven and smile at the changes.

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