Thursday, January 14, 2021

Battle of the Bands: Stairway to Heaven

I most have lost my mind taking an epic, masterpiece like Stairway to Heaven and use it on a Battle of the Bands. It's worse than playing the song in a guitar store. What's worse is one of the cover versions I plan to use many regard as the best one. So this nut job of a blogger thinks he has a version that can compete! Well I think I have one. What I think and how the votes come in can be quite different. I've had nail biters, ties, blowouts, and shutouts so let's start this riot.

Since the song is pretty long I am not going to dig out the original. I'm pretty sure everyone has probably heard Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven.  If you haven't go check out their fourth album.

Heart with Jason Bonham

Mary J Blige 

Mary like Heart has some help on this song. Mary has the guitars of Steve Vai and Orianthi.  

Heart or Mary. Let me know in the comments. I'll write about the winner in a week or so.


Birgit said...

Both are great to be honest taking this classic and making it their own but I go with Heart. They really belted it out in front of Robert Plant no less at the Kennedy Center Honours. I liked her more classic rendition. God, how I remember, in high school, every dance ended with this song. I would watch all the lovey dovies slow dance until it got to the ending when most had no idea what to do..made me laugh every time.

Mary B said...

No doubt about it. Heart gets my vote!

Debbie D. said...

HEART, no contest! Ann Wilson is amazing. ♥ We saw Heart and Jason Bonham perform this in Toronto a few years ago. Phenomenal!

CAAC said...


"Stairway to Heaven" is a wonderful rock classic. I thought I would pick Heart in this showdown who's version felt a little more like the original but I was surprised to find how much I liked Mary J. Blige who's rendition was just close enough to the original while making it her own and stealing my vote. Cool battle, my friend!

Please join me in my mid-round BoTB when you can!

Curious as a Cathy

John Holton said...

Not really one of my favorite songs, largely because 96 Rock in Atlanta played it at least once and frequently twice a day.... I'll go with Mary J. Blige because of Steve Vai...

Stephen T. McCarthy said...


I'm one of those people who think the Heart cover of 'Stairway To Heaven' is better'n the original by Zed Leppelin.

Mary J. Blige's cover is NOT better'n Zed Leppelin's original.

Based on the above, you can guess which way my BOTB Bote is leanin'.

~ D-FensDogG

Arlee Bird said...

Both versions are fine, but for me the preferred choice is Heart. I've seen this clip before and think it's great.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out