Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Battle of the Bands: If We Make it Through December

 I guess with Charley Pride's death my mind has taken a slightly country turn. 2020 has been a tough year. Covid would be the obvious finger point and then in the United States it was n election year. Personally it has been a tough year with my Dad passing and the other not so fun things going on in my life. Well time keeps going, and a new year is coming "If We Make it Through December."

The original written in 1973 by Merle Haggard...

Contender One: Marty Robbins

Contender Two: Alan Jackson 

Well you decide who wins in the comments. I count them up and announce the winner in a week or so in a different post. Marty versus Alan singing a Merle song well you can't say this song isn't Country. I am planning to post the results before the end of the month just in case we don't get through December. Hopefully we will ring in the New Year with my next Battle stay tuned!


  1. These were both superb covers of the song. I kind of liked Alan Jackson's better, and since he's from the Atlanta area I feel as though I should stick with him.

  2. Way to many major stars and musicians died this past year for sure. I am not much into country but I give it to Marty who made it sound more folk sounding plus I always liked his voice.

  3. It's Alan Jackson for me! I'm sure we'll make it through December. Gotta stay positive! It's been a rough year all around for many of us. We'll get through this alright.

  4. It's been an absurd crazy year. I'd like to believe that it can only get better, but I'm not counting on it especially if the Dems take power. There go my traveling plans in the future unless I want to deal with a lot of hassles and increased gas prices.

    Both versions were fine, but Marty rested on my ears a bit better. My vote goes to Marty Robbins.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out


    I'm-a cast my BOTB bote for *MARTY ROBBINS*, primarily because I just liked his voice better'n Alan's.

    Sometimes it's just as simple as that.

    Mike, you and yourn have a Merry Christmas and a Better'n-2020 New Year!

    ~ D-FensDogG

  6. Merry Christmas, Mike!

    I think we'll make it through December. :) Both covers are good. I like Alan's uptempo version but it's Marty Robbins vocals I prefer stealing my vote. May this blessed season fill you with His wonder and may 2021 be bright star after this dismal year, my friend!
