Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Congratulations to the Los Angeles Dodgers

 Covid 19 has been terrible for sports, especially Major League Baseball. Empty stadiums, a shorten season, no All Star game, and a World Series played at a neutral site are four glaring reasons it has been bad for baseball. However, 2020 is proving to be a great year for the city of Los Angeles as the Lakers won the NBA title and now the Dodgers have won the World Series.

The Dodgers won the series in six games a week ago today. They bested the Tampa Bay Rays  who had a great Cinderella season with a very low payroll. 

The Dodgers won game one 8 to 3, below are the highlights...

Tampa Bay won game two 6-4

Game three the Dodgers won 6-2

Game four Tampa Bay won 8-7

Game five Los Angeles won 4-2

Game six the Dodgers won 3-1

Congratulations to the Los Angeles Dodgers! Hopefully baseball and the world will have a better 2021!

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