Thursday, October 8, 2020

Battle of the Bands Results: No More Mister Nice Guy

 It's Rocktober and Pat Boone beats Megadeath in covering Alice Cooper? It was close 3 to 2, or 4 to 2 if we count the guest vote. Stay tuned as Barry Manilow takes over Rocktober next with his thrashing cover of Metallica. The Stray Cat in Heat Orchestra does add so much to his version.

In the meantime we celebrate the winner...

"Love Letters in the Sand"

"Speedy Gonzalez"

"Enter Sandman" it wasn't all sarcasm when I mentioned Metallica

Well thanks for playing, I will have another Battle on the 15th. More than likely I will post something on here between now and then. Stay tuned!


  1. I'm happy with that outcome.

    I've heard this version of "Enter Sandman" and really enjoyed it. Even considered it using it in a Battle a way back.

    Personally, I prefer "Love Letters"--brings back a lot of memories. I think my mother probably had this on one of her LPs. I know I've heard it a lot and it's nice to hear again.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  2. I love the fact that Pat Boone won this BOTB round!

    He obviously had a good sense of humor and didn't take himself overly seriously. I fondly recall him playing the "nice, sanitized, and proper" version of David Addison in a 'Moonlighting' episode!

    Question Of The Day:

    Who would win in a race, Speedy Gonzalez or the Road Runner?

    Inquiring Minds want to know!

    See ya at yer next Battle, MIKE!

    ~ D-FensDogG
