Thursday, October 15, 2020

Battle of the Bands: Once Bitten Twice Shy

It is time for the second Battle of the Bands for Rocktober. Today's song is the classic "Once Bitten Twice Shy." I didn't know it was a cover. Here is the original for your listening pleasure.

                                             Ian Hunter "Once Bitten Twice Shy"

Here is how it works. I select two covers. You tell me which one you like the best in the comments. I count up the votes and announce a winner in about a week.

Contender One: Great White

Contender Two: Shaun Cassidy

Let me know which one you like best! I hope you enjoyed this battle. I will be back soon!


  1. I never knew this was a cover, but I never thought much about it since it's not a song that I've ever been a big fan of.

    Great White does a fine job with the song. Shaun's version caught me by surprise since I didn't expect what he delivered, but I really couldn't imagine what he would deliver. Weird version in a way, but somehow it all seemed kind of artificial.

    Give my vote to Great White.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  2. I really like the one by Shaun Cassidy. Great White sounded like they were bored.

  3. MIKE ~

    I wasn't familiar with this song - not with the original nor either of the covers.

    I think I'll bote for Keith Partridge's (or David's) younger brother in this Battle. I felt he made it sound a bit more unique and interesting. Whereas the Great White version just sounded to me like it had come straight out of a standard Hard Rock template. Been there, heard that.

    ~ Stephen
    (aka D-FensDogG)

  4. I was ready to vote for Shawn but it just kept going on and on and I thought this is more like a band I hear in some whatever bar so I give it to the other guy-Great White.

  5. Mike,

    Going by the artists along I sorta knew who I'd go with. After I listened to both covers, my prediction of who'd get my vote stayed true. I'm going with GREAT WHITE. I liked everything about their arrangement over Shaun's version, not that he did a bad job, but it just didn't quite work for me. Interesting showdown, my friend. I'm on a blog hiatus for the next couple of weeks since DH & I are on staycation. Stay safe and be well!
