Monday, September 21, 2020

Battle of the Bands Results: Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season

 Well I rode out Sally! Was a long night when the category two hurricane hit. I was fortunate the flooding at my house only flooded the yard. The house and truck were spared. Plenty of limbs and branches covered my yard and clean up was quite a task, however I was blessed that none damaged the house or my truck. Just one big limb from one of the tall Live Oak trees could have really ruined my day. The biggest issue was loss of power. 95% of my county lost power including me. We just got power back late Sunday afternoon, so five days of cold showers, no air condition, no reliable internet (cell phone was still spotty for internet). However, I spent about 5 hours helping cleanup at the church and I did check on somebody's elderly parents. I will probably help a few more folks with their cleanup this week. So if I didn't make it to your Battle I apologize, Sally came to visit and she was rather rowdy company!

Anyway my Battle of the Bands for the 15th featured Kenny Chesney versus Mishka covering Jimmy Buffet's "Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season."

Kenny took an early lead. It looked like a shutout early. Mishka did get a couple of votes late to make the final score 5 to 2.

 Here is Kenny Chesney performing the song with Jimmy Buffett at a concert I was at a few years back. 

Since it is Fall now and football season "The Boys of Fall"

I always liked this one "Young"

"There Goes My Life"

I will be back hopefully with another Battle of the Bands and hopefully will not be dealing with another hurricane. 

1 comment:

  1. I can understand how the events in your part of the world have kept you busy. Good that you made it out relatively unscathed.

    I'm not surprised by the Chesney win in your match up. But the other choice was still good.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out
