Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Battle of the Bands: Results with an Asterisk

   Do we have a tie? Do we have a decision? Do we apply an asterisk? We have controversy! Were the Russians involved (Not that I would care. Heck they are more than welcome the votes!)  Where is Geraldo Rivera? 

If it's rule a tie I can't do overtime. Hard pressed to find two more decent covers and the length of the tune.

John went with Henrik and Arlee went with Gary. Cathy casted for Henrik. Then Stephen the co-founder of this crazy bloghop, an overall great man, and a notorious double voting outlaw came and voted for Gary Moore. He also casted a guest vote from Judge Al Bondigas also for Gary. The Honorable Judge is also apparently Stephen's brother. I'll leave this up to Geraldo! A Judge has connections, could tie my life in litigation, drive me bankruptcy in legal fees. Geraldo could solve everything by finding a vault by the legendary Gangster of Love Steve Miller. Inside said vault is all the votes from people who visit and don't leave a vote. But alas the vault would be empty but I could "take the money and run" with Geraldo.

See how crazy this world has gotten when the writing goes from Stephen, a Judge, Geraldo and Steve Miller. 

Birgit voted for Gary Moore. Talking about outlaws,  Sixgun McItchyfinger was next calling for the Postmaster General to investigate the shady votes from Stephen. He voted for Henrik. Perhaps it could be decided by a duel. A safe duel where safety is first. Maybe rubber band guns used with proper safety glasses. Social distanced wearing the dang mask.  

So Gary Moore wins this one by one more vote! What a great battle almost closer than I tie. The great late Gary Moore wins with an asterisk.

                                              He "Still Got the Blues"

Probably that darn asterisk!

He was "Waiting in the Wings"

I will leave you with this song..

Come back September for more fun! Of course any hard times, kidding is all in good fun, without Stephen you probably wouldn't be reading this!

1 comment:

  1. MIKE ~

    This was a highly entertaining BOTB Resluts post.
    (Hmmm.... Was there a typo in there somewhere?)
    I LOL'd several times.

    Had Gary Moore not won, I'd have been insisting on a recount, with a focus on counting all of the hanging Chads, along with a counting of all of the hot babes hanging around hanging Chads!

    As I drink Bourbon & 7 and listen to [Link> the great Brenda Lee's great 1991 album titled 'Brenda Lee', lemme jus' say...

    >>... "an overall great man" ?!?!

    That is far & away the nicest thing said about me in this century. And the nicest thing said about me in the LAST century was: "By jove, after eleven years, he's finally potty-trained!" (Yeah, my potty-training years went "up to eleven".)

    I can never even read the name "Steve Miller" and think of "the Gangster of Love" without also thinking of how Steve Miller sneaked a Bible verse into 'The Joker':

    “How fair and how pleasant you are, O love, with your delights! This stature of yours is like a palm tree, and your breasts like its clusters. I said, I will go up to the palm tree, I will take hold of its branches.”
    ~ [Link> 'Song Of Solomon', chapter 7 (The Holy Bible)

    Modern translation:

    “You’re the cutest thing that I ever did see;
    I really love your peaches, wanna shake your tree.”
    ~ [Link> 'The Joker' (Steve Miller)

    Ha!-Ha! Geraldo will NEVER live down that TV special where he opened "the Cone of Silence", er... I mean, "the Vault o' Nuttin'".

    If Sixgun McItchyfinger wants to duel with me, I shouts, "Pea-shooters at dawn!!" (Safety goggles & beer pitchers required!)

    Great Battle, MIKE! Outlaws notwithstanding, the outcome was legal and morally upright!

    See ya on September 1st!

    ~ Stephen
    DogGtor of Alcohology &
    King of Inebriation Nation

    POSTSCRIPT: If all those links I attempted to insert don't work right, blame it on Brenda Lee, or Bourbon & 7, or Beer Pitchers, Sixgun McItchyfinger, and Hanging Chad's pee-shooter!
