Friday, August 7, 2020

Battle of the Bands Results: Petty, Page and Crowes Cover Green

 My August 1st battle voting started with a welcome surprise a new voter. Tom Petty was on the board. Jimmy Page and the Black Crowes shaked their money maker into the next two votes. Tom Petty wouldn't back down and came back with four straight votes. Stephen even tried to vote twice ! Talking about things happening twice I had a second new voter as well. So we are at 5 to 2 Tom Petty. The two bands split the last two votes so the final score was Tom Petty 6 Jimmy Page and The Black Crowes 3. I wish had cool tee shirts I could send out for the new voters. It was nice to get some new voters and it is nice to get the votes from the regulars.

Please don't be like this song...

"Don't Come Around Here Know More"

Starting are Tom Petty celebration!

"Stop Draggin' My Heart Around"

Tom Petty with a connection to another side of Fleetwood Mac, a landslide away from Peter Green's band.

Hopefully "Something Good Coming" ..

Thanks for visiting I will have a new battle on the 15th and probably a post between now and then!


  1. Well, well, well--what about that! My vote was on the losing side. Oh well...I still liked Petty's version too.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  2. MIKE ~

    Ha!-Ha! I saw my vote pop up twice. I gots no idear how that happened, because I only submitted it once.

    I was a Tom Petty fan even before his debut album with The Heartbreakers was released. The L.A. Rock radio stations I listened to were playing an alternate version of 'Breakdown' weeks before his first album hit the record stores. And based on that one song, I already knew I was gonna buy that LP as soon as it became available.

    So, it would be highly unusual for me to "bote" for another artist in any BOTB match-up where Petty is an option.

    ~ D-FensDogG

  3. Tom Petty, how I miss you! Thanks for doing a battle with dear old Tom. It was a good one, Mike!

    Take care of yourself and keep away from the nutsies. They walk among us.

    Love, Cherdo
