Monday, June 22, 2020

Monday's Music Moves Me: Song to honor world music day (21st) music around the world

If you know my posts, it won't be one song to honor world music day. I figure I would take you on a musical trip around the world, stopping not only in different places but in different times and spaces as well.  

Let's start in Zimbabwe.  Here is Oliver Mtukudzi with "Todii"..

Like what you heard I wrote a post about him when he passed away. I had the honor of seeing him with Bonnie Raitt.

Let's travel to Niger for the guitar work of Bombino "Azamane Tiliade"

I had the pleasure of watching Bombino open for Robert Plant a few years back you an read my review here.

Let's go to Jamaica for some Bob Marley "Three Little Birds"

Let's dance in Mexico with Los Lobos..

Hope you enjoyed the trip!


  1. Jamaica for some Bob Marley "Three Little Birds" I'm luvin & still dancin' to it! Great pickin' my friend it's the cutest song I've heard in a long time, and then Los Lobos.. Angel Dance believe it or not I've never heard that tune that they did. I saw them once at a theater near me called the Arcada & heard their one & only hit that I absolutely L-O-V-E! Los Lonely Boys - How far is Heaven! Oh my gosh, I won't be able to get it out of my head now. hahaha My friend thank you and you take care, stay safe, and wear that mask or just stay home for a bit longer. Don't listen to those crazy people. Listen to you gut my friend, and be careful, stay safe and wear that mask! HUGS

  2. Mike,

    Oliver's mewsic style in this song I didn't really get into but I will stop by YT in a few to sample a few others to get a better feel for his mewsic. The Nigerian group I enjoyed. Bob Marley makes me feel I'm an island, swaying to the beat under a palm tree with a gentle lifting across the water to my face. Los Lobos is my favorite of these. Thanks for boogieing with the 4M gang. Until our feet hit the dance floor next, stay safe and be healthy, my friend.

  3. What great selections! The first two were new to me and very enjoyable! I also loved hearing Bob Marley and Los Lobos again.


  4. Loved every one of these. The first two and the last one were new to me. What a guitar Bombino plays and I totally enjoyed Oliver Mtukudzi's singing. I hope Bob Marley is right and "everything will be all right". Stay safe, Mike!
