Sunday, June 14, 2020

Battle of the Bands: The Pink Panther returns a day early

All this anarchy going on and here I decide to do my Battle of the Bands post a day early. Well I found inspiration. I knew I didn't want to go with another rock and roll song. Then I found out today is the anniversary of Henry Mancini's death. Well you don't have to a detective or inspector to know where that led me!

Here is Henry Mancini's version...

Contender One: The Ventures

Contender Two: Tommy Emmanuel

Who are you voting for The Ventures or Tommy Emmanuel? Let me know in the comments and I will count up the votes. The winner announced in a separate post in a week or so. Hope you enjoy and I will be back soon!


  1. As much as I wanted to like Tommy Emmanuel's version, I just couldn't get into it. I loved THE VENTURES's version, so give them my vote. Surf guitar is timeless and so awesome!


  2. Tommy is fine, but for me it's gotta be my favorite band from early adolescent years, The Ventures.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  3. I love that cartoon..Poor Pink Panther may never eat chocolate cake again. Talk about a drug trip! This is a tough one for me but I think I will go with Tommy because he added his own twist to the classic theme.

  4. Loved yer Battle, MIKE!

    Well, of course I do, because I love Mancini's music. The guy was definitely a musical genius and his soundtrack for 'Breakfast At Tiffany's' is one of my Top 10 favorite (and one of my most played) albums of all time!!

    Both recordings were terrific! I really dug Tommy's percussion effect played against his guitar. That guy sure knows his way around a fretboard. But I gotta cast my BOTB bote for THE VENTURES. I just dig the electrified chunkiness of their sound, and when they toss in some electric organ, I am "Sold!"

    In fact, I probably really outta get me a 'Best Of The Ventures' CD collection. I've never owned anything by them, and yet I've enjoyed almost every one of their recordings that I've heard. I'm a sucker for that Surf Guitar sound.

    ~ Stephen
    DogGtor of Alcohology &
    King of Inebriation Nation

  5. I love Tommy Emmanuel's version. Something about the them played acoustic makes it magical.

    Come and join me to celebrate summer with this Battle of the Bands!
