Monday, June 1, 2020

Battle of the Bands: Isolation

Perhaps a good song for the times we are going through "Isolation" is my choice for this round of Battle of the Bands. The song is by John Lennon from his John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band.

I will now present two contenders. You vote on which version you like best in the comments. I count them up in a week or so. I announce the winner in a separate post.

Contender One: Ann Wilson

Contender Two: Jeff Beck and Johnny Depp

I hope you enjoyed! I look forward to your vote. Both covers are different from the original. Ann with her voice gives a female take in contrast to John. Jeff Beck covering a song that originally didn't feature guitar. Should be fun! I will be back soon.


  1. I don't recall ever having heard this song before, but I'm not particularly impressed with it. Sounds like some of Lennon's other bad stuff and it's rather tritely introspective.

    Both covers sound pretty much like the original to me other than being more instrumentally textured and fleshed out. Either is better than the Lennon version.

    Beck and Depp gave the more interesting performance from my perspective so I'll give it to them.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  2. Mike,

    JEFF & JOHNNY get my vote in this showdown!

  3. I heard Beck and Depp for the first time just the other day. I had never heard this song before then. I had thought about using them myself in a battle, but happy that you have done so.

    I almost thought I would be giving my vote to those boys, but Ann Wilson really spoke to me. She won me over and gets my vote today.

  4. Hey, MIKE ~

    I'll admit it: Depp actually sings better'n I thought he could / would.

    Nevertheless, the real attraction here is Jeff Beck's guitar, naturally.

    Please register my vote with JB & JD
    (not to be confused with Jim Beam & Jack Daniel's).

    ~ D-FensDogG

  5. I'm going to bust the shutout and vote for Ann Wilson, mostly because she's better looking than Johnny Depp.

  6. Although Ann Wilson has an unparalleled voice, I actually prefer the grittier sound of the BECK/DEPP version. I swear the fact that I'm a huge Johnny fangirl from way back did not sway my vote in any way, shape, or form!


  7. I never heard of this song but it works for what is happening in the world today. I will go with Depp and Beck because I actually preferred his voice over the gal and Beck's guitar playing is amazing

  8. Wow, these are great! But wonders of wonders, I'm giving my vote to JOHNNY DEPP/JEFF BECK. I really like his delivery so much more and I think that the percussion on the Ann Wilson tract takes away from her voice.

    But what do I know? I don't have a rock album. :-/

    Thanks, buddy!

  9. Who would thought that Depp could sing and it was really good. My vote goes to Depp and Beck. I like their rockish sound more.

    Check out my newest battle!
