Friday, May 15, 2020

Battle of the Bands: Long Tall Sally

The world lost an icon when Little Richard passed away. Scroll down my blog and you can see my tribute post. I honor of Little Richard today's Battle of the Bands features the song "Long Tall Sally."

Well I will pick a couple of covers. You my readers select the winner by telling me which one you like the best in the comments. I count them up and post about the results in a week a so.

Led Zeppelin

Bruce Springsteen

Raw live Rock and Roll. Led Zeppelin versus the Boss!
Who has your vote Led Zeppelin or Bruce Springsteen?


  1. This is indeed a classic song of rock. So many versions over the years! And I've never much cared for the song, but that is the case with so many of those old classics.

    Of these versions I have to not only cast my vote for Led Zep out of general principle, but also because I liked it better. It's probably the best version I can recall having heard.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  2. I'll go with Zeppelin on this. They have Jimmy Page...

  3. I felt bad when I heard the news of Little Richard even though he was 87, he didn't seem old to me at all. I have to go with Led Zeppelin who really made it their own and still paid tribute. They are truly artistic

  4. We sure did lose an icon in Little Richard. Interesting tidbit: he apparently attended Bible College at Oakwood University here in Huntsville, and will be buried in Oakwood University's Memorial Gardens here on the 20th.

    In the battle, Led Zeppelin gets my vote. Both versions are good, I just prefer their sound to Springsteen's.


  5. MIKE ~


    I think this could be titled 'Battle Of The Screamers'.

    To be entirely honest, I can't say I really cared for either rendition, but given my options, I'll side with Led Zeppelin

    ~ D-FensDogG

  6. Okay, I'll be odd man out this time. I actually prefer Springsteen's version here.
