Wednesday, April 1, 2020

A to Z: A is for Allright Now! Battle of the Bands

It's day one of the April A to Z Challenge! It's time for a Battle of the Bands. It's April Fool's Day. 

A is for "All Right Now"

Digging deep for this Free classic anthem.

The original..

All right A to Z folks, newbies and those with refresher needs the rules.

I will pull up two contestants you vote for the one you like in the comments. I count them up ad post the winner in about a week. 

Contestant One: Christina Aquilera

Contestant Two: Beth Hart

I like this battle. Take the song made famous by one of the greatest guy singers in rock and roll and let the girls take it. Christina and Beth couldn't be more different on their takes. Enjoy, vote I will be back with a B tomorrow! 


  1. Mike,

    Great battle song, love the energy this morning! I'm not a fan of Christina Aqulera but I didn't like Beth's vocals, so I guess CHRISTINA AQULERA wins by default in this round for me. Excellent way to start of the A2Z fun, my friend. Please join me in my April 1st BoTB rolled in with Cathy's Pinup Girl A to Z Challenge Art Sketch Series when you can and please stay safe & sound, my friend!

  2. One is flashy and great and the other is bluesy rock and equally great so I am going with Beth who seems to get the idea behind the song.

  3. I liked Beth's version better. I'm voting for her.

  4. I love Beth Hart. I especially enjoy it when she is accompanied by Joe Bonamassa. He's not on this particular one, but the guy filling is does a pretty decent job.

    My vote: Beth Hart

    I'd love for you to stop by and visit my battle that Stephen doesn't care for.

    Still No Satisfaction Battle

  5. MIKE ~

    I always liked this song. Paul Kossoff was a very stylish, tough-sounding guitarist.

    I vote for Christina Aquilera. Beth Hart has "oversung" every song I've ever heard her sing. Clearly she is no believer in 'Less Is More'.

    I don't know why Mary said I didn't care for her Battle. I thought her Battle was very memorable! ;^)

    ~ D-FensDogG

  6. My vote goes to Christina Aquilera. I have always loved her vocals and her performance style. I have been a fan since the beginning of her career, especially when my mom bought me all the Christina Aquilera clothing and merchandise that was sold at Sears about 20 years ago.

  7. Oh my gosh, I really really love this battle! And truthfully, they both pull it off nicely. I'm struggling to pick one, I keep on going back and forth.

    On the one hand, Beth Hart really rocks it and I like the acoustic guitar. Kind of liking her voice, too.

    On the other hand, Christina Aguilera really has a pool together set and I think this song is suited for her voice. Nice arrangement... I wonder who this one together for her. Hmmmmm.

    okay, my one and only vote has to go to Christina Aguilera. But she just won by a hair. A curly over-processed bleach blonde hair...

    Nice battle!
