Wednesday, April 15, 2020

A to Z and Battle of the Bands: M is for Manic Depression

It's time foe a Battle of the Bands and it's late and manic. It's also time for the letter M. My theme has come out as Music. Put it in my scrambled brain blender and a really talented guitarist friend shared "Manic Depression" and that's how this thing kind of works.

One of my favorite Jimi Hendrix songs is "Manic Depression"..

Here is Jimi doing his song live...

Time for some contestants.

Contestant One: Kings X

Contestant Two: Jeff Beck and Seal

King's X or Jeff Beck and Seal? Vote in the comments and let me know!


  1. Actually I like both versions better than Hendrix.

    It's a tough choice--it's one of those I like the one I'm listening to best type of choices.
    But for Jeff Beck's guitar I'm giving my vote to him and Seal.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  2. I'm going to go with Beck and Seal as well. I like the sound a lot better.

  3. You know I like King X better because the other one seemed so frantic to me.

  4. I'm going for Jeff Beck and Seal only because it seemed easier to listen to.
