Sunday, March 1, 2020

Battle of the Bands: Long Black Veil

I new the song from being on The Band's "Big Pink" album. The song came  back onto my radar after doing a Monday's Music Moves Me post about songs that tell a story. This story is about cheating,  a bad alibi, a false accusation, and a hanging. In other words just a regular day on Battle of the Bands.

It was a Country Ballad first recorded by Lefty Frizzell...

Might as well start off with my introduction to the song..

Contestant One: The Band

Contestant Two: Johnny Cash and Joni Mitchell

You know the drill vote for the one you like the best in the comments. Will it be  The Band of Johnny and Joni? Will it be a tie? You all determine that!  I just count up all the votes. Voting ends in a week or so.  Hope you enjoy and see you next time!


  1. MIKE ~

    THE BAND over J&J every single time and TWICE ON SUNDAYS!! And since this *IS* a Sunday, I'm casting TWO (count 'em: 2) votes for THE BAND.

    ~ D-FensDogG

  2. I'll go with Johnny and Joni on this, although my favorite is by The Chieftains and Mick Jagger.

  3. J & J are a strange pair, but hey! Nice try, kids, for doing your own thing!

    THE BAND, THE BAND, THE BAND. Can I vote three times?

  4. Mike,

    I'm giving my vote to THE BAND, just prefer their more rock cover vibe.

    Come vote in my Mad World BoTB Showdown when you get a chance, my friend!

  5. This is such a hard battle! I love Johnny Cash a lot but my vote goes THE BAND. Love their rock vibe too!

    Check out my Battle of the Bands too

  6. It's all about The Band for me. I prefer their sound better..

    Stop by my blog and vote for Clapton or Steppenwolf in a Bluesy battle.


  7. No contest with me. The Band wins this easily. The first time I ever heard this song was by Johnny Cash, but then when "Big Pink" came out I was floored by the version by The Band.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  8. Oh I vote for The Band because it just seemed to fit better. I like johnny cash bit I am not a complete fan of Joni Mitchell and their duet didn't seem to fit right.
