Monday, February 3, 2020

Monday's Music Moves Me:Songs About Love

Let's dance, rock to songs about Love. The theme for Monday's Music Moves Me.

Tina Turners asks the question "What's Love Gotta Do With It?"

Well I guess Queen knew we need "Somebody to Love"

Then we are silly like the Yardbirds "For Your Love"

The Who knew "Love Ain't for Keeping"

Because "Love Hurts" from Nazareth

There it is Love in five songs. Not a Taylor Swift "Love Story"

Hope you enjoyed see you soon!


  1. Mike,

    Nazareth's 'Love Hurts' is great 70s song. Thanks for hitting the 4M dance floor today!

    Check out my love song picks in You Light Up My Life, DH. Have a boogietasic week!

  2. Great playlist Mike. We picked one of the same songs (Queen). I love Tina Turner!

  3. Nice songs. Super cool playlist.

  4. Good list! (With the exception of T-Swift; I WANT to like her but it's so basic!)

  5. Classic picks here! I only recently (within the last couple of years) learned that "Love Hurts" is an Everly Brothers song that was written by Boudleaux Bryant, who wrote a a lot of their hits. Great song no matter who does it!

  6. Fabulous choices my friend. Happy Valentines day (almost), and thank you for trippin' the life fantastic on the dance floor with us. I cannot pick a favorite cuz I love them all. Woo Hoo

  7. Great mewsic, Mike, Queen is our favourite, but The Who...WOW! We almost forgot about this amazing band and song😸Pawkisses for a Happy Wednesday🐾😽💞

  8. Loved all these selections! I thought about using J. Geils' "love Stinks", but already had quite a lengthy list. "Love Hurts" was a great addition to your list. And I haven't heard that Yardbirds song in forever.


  9. All great selections (except maybe Taylor Swift, but this particular song was OK). Nazareth's song, according to John, is an Everly Brothers cover and sure enough...and the song is sung so differently - Nazareth absolutely made it into something else. And Queen? Hope you had a great week!
