Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Battle of the Bands: Smoke on the Water

Sorry for posting my Battle of the Bands a little late in the day. I decided to ring in the New Year's in New Orleans and took the scenic slow ride back home along the Gulf of Mexico. It was a good way to say good bye to a rather unkind 2019 and welcome in the roaring 20s.

Most music lovers know the iconic riff of Deep Purple's "Smoke on the Water" and most guitar shops ban you from playing it. We don't ban songs or riffs here!

We know the song now we need the competitors.

Starting off going heavy with Metallica

Contender Two:Nadja Kossinskaja

Contender Three: Dread Zeppelin

Let's go with three choices. Metallica, a classical guitarist crossover with Nadja Kossinskaja , and a reggae cover band Dread Zeppelin.

Vote for who you like in the comments. I will count them up. Now let me play that riff!


  1. Mike,

    Happy New Year, my friend! I'm by far like METALLICA the best in this battle. The gal does a rad job on the guitar but her vocals can't cut it. It's a song requiring testosterone. That doesn't mean a woman with a deep voice, either. :D The reggae version did very little for me but then that's genre I have to be in the mood for to begin with. Interesting choices, though. May God bless you in 2010 with good health, happiness, and prosperity, my friend!

    Swing by when you get a chance to pitch your ballot in the box in Reflections of my Life #BoTB showdown

  2. I'm liking what Dread Zeppelin did with the tune. They get my vote!

  3. >>... It was a good way to say good bye to a rather unkind 2019 and welcome in the roaring 20s.

    "The Roaring '20s" -- I like that!

    Metallica -- No. Just no!

    Nadja Kossinskaja -- Hmmm.... Well, her approach was kinda-sorta interesting. But too bad she can't really sing.

    Dread Zeppelin -- Ha! OK, pretty goofy. But sometimes I like Goofy (Roger Rabbit, too). Yeah, give my vote to goofy Dread Zeppelin. That's certainly not something I'd ever consider buying, but it's good for one silly laugh.

    ~ Stephen
    DogGtor of Alcohology &
    King of Inebriation Nation

  4. I'm usually amused and entertained by Dread Zep but I think they missed the mark on this song. The young lady's version didn't impress me much either.

    Give my vote to Metallica.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  5. Happy New Year to you! I really like Metallica too, so they get my vote. I grew up with Metallica and love their heavy metal sound.


  6. I had hoped Nadja would take this one, but I really didn't like what she did to the song. That left Metallica and Dread Zeppelin, and while Metallica got the riff right and all, I really didn't like their sound. Ergo, Dread Zeppelin.
