Friday, January 10, 2020

Battle of the Bands Results: First tie, First shutout

The first Battle of the Bands is in the book for 2020. The first artist to be shut out is Nadja Kossinskaja. She is better known as a classical guitarist and this was more of  an experiment, getting out of her comfort zone.


Ironic that both Ritchie Blackmore and Steve Morse have gone toward classical directions at some point in their careers. The original got a vote. One for Deep Purple, maybe I should have pitted Ritchie versus Steve.

The toss up was betweeen a Reggae Led Zeppelin cover band Dread Zeppelin and the heavy rock of Metallica. 

"Good Times Bad Times"


A well known song and quite a bite of variety. Putting on my thinking cap fpr the next battle on the 15th.

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