Friday, November 1, 2019

Battle of the Bands: Bad Motor Scooter

I am getting ready to drive across the state to see Sammy Hagar. I thought I would keep on rocking into November and in honor of tonight I thought I would pull out some classic Montrose.

Contestant One:
The Chi-Lites

Contestant Two: L.A. Underscore

Contestant Three: Pete Manley

Three choices something funky, an instrumental and a rocking cover. Vote for the cover you like the best in the comments I will announce a winner in a week or so. 

Hope you enjoy and see you soon!


  1. This is a new song to me. I never listened to much Montrose--certainly never owned any of their albums.

    Since I play violin, the instrumental version did catch my attention. It was pretty good. The Pete Manley version seems like just a well-executed rehash of the original.

    However the funk of the Chi-Lites was irresistible to me. That's who I give my vote to.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  2. Definitely voting for Chi-Lites here!

  3. I like this as an instrumental, so I'll go with LA Underscore.

  4. >>... "I am getting ready to drive across the state to see Sammy Hagar."

    HA! No personal disrespect meant, at all, but... I kinda chuckled when I thought to myself: "Damn, I wouldn't even drive across the street to see Sammy Hagar."

    I guess it goes without saying that I'm not exactly a Sammy Hagar fan.

    Yeah, I'm gonna agree with Lee in that the Pete Manley version was just an attempt to Xerox copy Montrose. Why bother if you have nothing original to add?

    I'm definitely voting for the CHI-LITES, but I wish they had done something more interesting with the instrumental portions of their recording. I really dug the vocals, but when the song turned to strictly instrumental sections, it seemed like not much was really happening. There were a LOT of musical elements they could have added to spice up those somewhat redundant and lackluster ("boring"?) spaces.

    ~ D-FensDogG

  5. Such an awesome song! That beginning guitar rip is Iconic. Like, nothing beats the original for this song.

    Even without the Riff, Chi Lites enthusiastically rocks this song. Me likey like. Pete has a distorted rip, but the rest just doesn't cut it. I'd like to vote for Chi-Lites overally; but I'm into alternatives that keep the intrinsic nature of music, and LA Underscore has a unique, excellent take on the song. Then the little girl rang her bell during the Fiddle episode - not to mention there is a fiddle - and my vote was cast. (Not that the video swayed me . . )

    Excellent Battle Mike. Hope you have an excellent weekend.

  6. I am going to choose L.A. Underscore's because that was a rocking cover. And I love the little introduction in the beginning.

  7. Hey Mike,

    I'm finally getting around to voting this month. It's gonna be another crazy one for me at this rate. First thing I'd like to offer a suggestion for your blog layout. Have you considered setting the comment layout to not open in a different window? What I like to do is listen to the mewsic while I comment and it just makes things easier if I'm able to keep everything on the same page but whichever you prefer then that's fine. I thought I'd throw out that little nugget for you to chew on. After listening to all three versions of this new-to-me song, I prefer the funky, upbeat of The Chi-Lites. So, please give them my vote to them please. Have a bandtastic day, my friend!

    #BoTB Round 14 PIece of My Heart Showdown
