Friday, October 18, 2019

Rocktober:Celebrating Chuck Berry's Birthday

Let's put some duckwalking, good time rock and roll into this Rocktober Music Fest by celebrating Chuck Berry's Birthday. He was a rock and roll pioneer, an influencer on musicians to come  and a talented entertainer.

Since I just spent some time out in Louisiana, I think "Johnny B. Good is a good place to start this party!

"Roll over Beethoven "

"Nadine" with Keith Richards

"Sweet Little Sixteen"

I could go on and on. What is your favorite Chuck Berry song? Feel free to share in the comments


  1. Probably "Roll Over Beethoven," but "School Days," "No Particular Place To Go," and "Maybelline" figure pretty heavily.

  2. Good choice for the Rocktober Music Fest! I like Johnny B Goode.

    Janet’s Smiles
