Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Rocktober Birthday Bob Weir

I'm behind on my Rocktober Festival posts and apparently every three years I post to celebrate Bob Weir's birthday. Here is my post from 2013 and 2016.

At least Bob Weir is diverse enough to write multiple posts about. He believes he has probably played the most gigs of any musician out there. It is hard to argue against his statement. Math would probably back him up and it is hard to think of someone who would be close. A founding member of the Grateful Dead which he joined when he was just 16.

                                                The Grateful Dead "My Brother Esau"

                                                 These folks were treated to a solo performance of "Loose Lucy"

Celebrating his non-Dead music as well "Lucky Enough" with Rat Dog

Here he is with Paul McCartney

                                              "Bombs Away" with his Wolf Brothers

Hope you enjoy and I will see you soon!

1 comment:

  1. In his old age, he's starting to look like Jerry Garcia... Happy birthday to him!
