Saturday, June 15, 2019

Battle of the Bands: Death Don't Have No Mercy

My battle of the bands song is "Death Don't Have No Mercy." I am doing this post on my phone so I apologize in advance. You know the drill I will post two covers and my readers select the winner in the comments. 

Contender One: Hot Tuna

Contender Two: Ramblin' Jack Elliot

So who is going to win Hot Tuna or Ramblin' Jack Elliot. 


  1. I don't remember this song, but have undoubtedly heard the Hot Tuna version. I had several friends who would sometimes play albums by the group when I would be visiting.

    Ramblin' Jack's version was okay but I much prefer Jorma Kaukonen's group.

    A vote for Hot Tuna.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  2. I've never heard this one before, but I like it. Both covers were good and it was hard to decide. In the end, the pacing of Hot Tuna's arrangement won me over. Ramblin' Jack was dragging a bit.

  3. I guess we're all over the board with this one... I preferred Ramblin' Jack.

  4. MIKE ~
    I don't recall having heard this song before. I thought both renditions were pretty good. In fact, the Hot Tuna recording was a pleasant surprise, because I have always thought of Hot Tuna, Blue Cheer, and Canned Heat as basically the same band - B or C list musicians from the '60s who mostly played rudimentary licks and rather sloppily. But the guitar work in the Hot Tuna track had a bit more finesse than I'd anticipated.

    Nevertheless, I'm voting for Ramblin' Jack Elliott. I feel that the frayed and world-weary tone of his voice and the jagged, slightly jarring sound of the piano really suited the sentiment of the song.

    ~ D-FensDogG

  5. I've been a big fan of Hot Tuna for years, and listening to Ramblin' Jack didn't persuade me otherwise. Hot Tuna for me.

  6. Great song! I love Ramblin’ Jack’s voice that suited the lyrics and style bette so I vote for him

  7. The vocals sold it for me! I much preferred Ramblin' Jack's version...but, hey! This is a great tune any day of the week.
