Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Battle of the Bands: Yesterday

Welcome back to my blog for the regularly scheduled programing that happens when it is not April. Today is May 1, 2019 which means it's time for another Battle of the Bands. This song kind of fits my mood today. It's the Beatles "Yesterday."

                                             Contender One: Connie Talbot

Contender Two: Marvin Gaye

As Elton John says "Sad Songs Say So Much." You know the drill vote for the one you like the best in the comments. I will count up the votes and announce a winner around the 8th.
Thanks for visiting


  1. Marvin Gaye version has my vote, more passion. The other person was just going through the motions and I didn't like the way she sang "BUH-lieve" instead of "BE-lieve".

  2. The young lady was very nice, but right out of the chute Marvin Gaye won this race for me. What an intensely beautiful version he did! I'd never heard this one before.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  3. Connie Talbot sings "I'm not half the man I used to be". Hmmm.... She didn't even have enough sense to alter the lyric a little to match her gender.

    To be brutally honest, Connie is probably too young to put this song across effectively, under any circumstances. But aside from that, it was just remarkably bad. She's just trying to show off her vocal mannerisms and there was not a trace of genuine emotion in her singing.

    Marvin Gaye gets my vote by default.

    ~ D-FensDogG

  4. I guess I am going against the grain but i vote for little Connie who does have an amazing voice and doesn't do all that long wavering note thing that Marvin gaye does. I didn't like his version at all...just stick to the actual song

  5. Hey Mike!

    Did you know there's a movie called "Yesterday" that is coming out in June? I watched the trailer for it last night and thought it looked interesting.

    Connie gets my vote today!


  6. I'm giving my one and only vote to Marvin Gaye this round...number one, HE'S MARVIN GAYE (God rest his soul).

    Number two, that lady ISN'T any portion of "the man (she) used to be" and I don't like false advertising.

    I have to agree with STMcC on this one: too young.
