Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Battle of the Bands Results: Who won Yesterday?

A great Beatles song, an up and coming singer Connie Talbot and the legendary Marvin Gaye was my recipe for my latest Battle of the Bands.

Marvin Gaye won the Battle 4 to 2, in a Battle that didn't feel that close. The song was "Yesterday" and now you know who won.

"Let's Get it On"

"What's Going On?"

"Mercy, Mercy Me"

Thanks for visiting! Stay tuned I will have a new Battle of the Bands on the 15th.


  1. I surprised Marvin Gaye didn't sweep the votes. He was so good.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  2. Bummer, I was for the gal but he is a great artist who died way too young
