Thursday, April 18, 2019

Blogging A to Z: Q is for Quiet

 My Mom's labyrinth may have provide a quiet place for her to ponder her thoughts. Maybe walk in solitude. Perhaps read a book at it's edges. If you want to read more about labyrinth check this post or this one from my Mom's old blog.

Quiet can be nice. Sometimes you wish you had been quiet especially when your blurt out something you shouldn't. Sometimes too quiet can be scary. Maybe some quiet time to read a book. Just quick thoughts on quiet.



  1. I've never walked through one. I'd love to, though. They had one right next to the soccer field where my daughter played in college. Mostly the kids played around on it but I wanted to walk it, or sit on a bench beside it.

    Glad to have found you through the A to Z Challenge!

  2. I’m Glad your mom made a labyrinth and love them. I love silence and wish for it sometimes

  3. I almost did quiet for Q day, but then something much more interesting happened. (Not that quiet is a bad thing. Well, it is on my blog, but that's only because it means the kiddos are behaving. Boring posts there.)
