Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Blogging from A to Z: U is for Unbelievable

#AtoZChallenge 2019 Tenth Anniversary blogging from A to Z challenge letter U

My word for the letter U during this challenge is Unbelievable.  My Mother's love towards me and my daughter is unbelievable. My love from my Mom is second fiddle to the love my Mom has for my daughter and I completely understand why!

Image may contain: Brandi Love-Spain, smiling, standing, child and christmas tree

Here her Grandparents dressed her up as St Lucia a few Christmas back to share some of her Swedish heritage with her.

My Mom also loves this thing..

Image may contain: cat and outdoor

Unbelievable sometimes since they adopted this cat which still clings strongly to it's feral ways. The cat loves them back in her way. She likes to be near them and will check on them. Pet the cat at your own risk! Lately we have been bonding.

Talking about unbelievable things my Mom actually took my daughter for Surf lessons..

Yes my Mom's love is unbelievable. She has given so much and would give so much more if she could.


  1. Love the pictures here and showing your daughter the Christmas traditions of Sweden which is important, I believe. It looks like the cat adopted them but on its terms..hope it is fixed. It looks like it has half the face in orange and the other in black. Your mom is unbelievable and so was mine

  2. Cats can be cantankerous. That was a cat, right?

  3. So great to see a mom love her child and grandchild so. Not all of us have this. But it's a beautiful thing!

    Glad to have found you through the A to Z Challenge.

  4. Lovely post about love.

    Josefine from
    Getting to the end
