Friday, March 15, 2019

Battle of the Bands 103:Late Night Love

I'm running a little late to the Battle of the Bands party. Don't worry I made it! I think we all need a "Whole Lotta Love." Led Zeppelin certainly twisted an old blues tune into a heavy, acid rock show  stopping number.

Now I've picked a couple of musical superstars to see if we can twist and warp this song some more! I mean how do you like your late night love? If you like it dirty, nasty, with some soul I might have something for you! Insane with some funk. A woman with great legs and a love sexy man competing at it under the spotlight. No I haven't suddenly found my passion for writing erotica.  I'm talking Tina Turner versus Prince covering Led Zeppelin!

Contestant One: Tina Turner

Contestant Two: Prince

Whose "love" do you like the best? Tina Turner's funky version or the guitar crazy version by Prince. Two artist you might not expect to cover Led Zeppelin but they certainly added their touches to this song. Vote for your favorite in the comments and I will tally the votes and announce the winner in a week or so.


  1. Cool battle! One of my favourite Led Zep songs. ☺ I'm a sucker for killer guitar riffs, so my vote goes to Prince, but Tina was good, too.

  2. This is very difficult! Both are not only super good, but I like them better than Zep's version. I'll give my vote to Tina Turner. I especially liked the strings in her arrangement.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  3. I liked Tina Turner's version, but that intro was too long. Prince knocked it out of the park. He's got the vocals and gives Jimmy Page a run for his money on the playing. My vote goes to Prince!

  4. They were both good, but as Debbie says, I'm a sucker for guitar riffs, so Prince gets my vote.

  5. I'm voting for Tina Turner - although I agree that her intro was a bit too long.

  6. Kathy voted for Tina but I messed up her post

  7. You know, it's hard for me to EVER vote for anyone other than TINA TURNER. I love her.

    Nice battle, buddy.

  8. I like the Prince version better as he incorporates the electric guitar in his version. And it's more thrilling. Nice battle!
