Friday, February 15, 2019

Battle of the Bands 101: Redemption Song

It is hard to believe I haven't used a Bob Marley song in my Battles of the Band. It kind of fits that  I would celebrate an African musician on one post and move onto a Reggae giant in the next. Black History Month International Music version if you will.

The song I am choosing is Bob Marley's Redemption Song. This ne is just for reference and your enjoyment.

Contender One: Yannick Noah

Contender Two: Stevie Wonder

Yannick or Stevie you decide who wins with your votes in the comments. Both artists provide covers that are different from the original and different from each other. I'll count of the votes and post a winner in a week or so. Thanks for visiting and come back soon!


  1. MIKE ~
    Stevie Wonder probably would have gotten my vote... if only he had left his "inner Whitney Houston" at home. All his stretching of syllables into "The Eternal Syllable" finally wore me down, so I'm giving my vote to Noah (the cookie cutter Reggae-patterned guy) by default.

    ~ D-FensDogG

  2. Stevie is no doubt great, but in this match Yannick wins my vote with that great reggae rhythm.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  3. Yannick Noah gets my vote, here. He truly invoked the spirit of Bob Marley. Stevie's rendition almost sounded like a different song altogether and the "pop" vibe didn't resonate nearly as much.

  4. I'll break up the shutout and go with Stevie Wonder. I'm not the biggest reggae fan around.

  5. Yannick Noah definitely gets my vote here.

  6. Yannick Noah wins! I love the upbeat reggae version better!

  7. Yannick Noah gets my vote all the way. I hate it when someone takes 5 hours to finish one note and proceed to go all over the place like their voice is in some mouse maze.

  8. Mike,

    I'm not a huge reggae fan. I definitely prefer Yannick over Bob but I liked Stevie Wonders rendition the best. Good battle!
