Monday, February 11, 2019

Battle of the Bands 100 Result: Fun for me, Fun for you

Hopefully my 100th Battle of the Band was as fun for you as it was for me. Sometimes these battles are about exploring music, a theme, a tribute, or mixing things up. This time around it was the best reason for a Battle. That reason is simply a song I like from a band I like. Then add two great artists and you have a darn good recipe.

Bob Weir on the contest 5 to 3. He would be happy with the results. Bob still performs the song with his various side projects.

Here  he is performing it in October with the Wolf Brothers...

Here Bob Weir joins Little Feat to perform "Tennessee Jed"

                                               "Only A River" a song from his latest solo album..

I hope you enjoyed and I will be back with a new battle in a few days!

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