Monday, January 28, 2019

Monday's Music Moves Me: January Songs

Monday's Music Moves Me theme this go around is a freebie. I thought I would use January as the theme on this go around.

                                                  Elton John "January"

David Gray "January Rain"

Pilot "January"

Well I hope you enjoyed see you next month!


  1. Howdy Friend, So glad to see you made it. Love the tunes you picked too! Hope you're hibernating from all this snow & cold weather if you have it like me. brrrrrrrrrr Tomorrow is supposed to be 35 below wind chill factor... brrrrrrrrrrr Your tunes rocked my friend. Take care!

  2. Three songs I'm not familiar with. I'm more into the older Elton John but this was some nice listening. I can always appreciate an instrumental and - where was I for the last song, since it is from 1975? Have a great week!!

  3. We're getting some January rain as we speak... We're just hoping it doesn't turn into january snow....

  4. Mike,

    I'm sorry for being so late to stop by to boogie with you. Thanks for sharing your choice song picks! Try to stay warm. It sure has been cold here. Have a good weekend!
