Monday, January 7, 2019

Monday's Music Moves Me: Elvis is in the building

The theme for this week's Monday's Music Moves Me is to start off with an Elvis Tune and then the rest of the songs from the same era.

                                               "Heartbreak Hotel" Elvis Presley

The number one song before this was Les Baxter's "The Poor People of Paris"

Gogi Grant's "Wayward Wind" followed

Elvis would have two more number one hits that year.

Want a different Elvis? There is always Elvis Costello

Hope you enjoyed!


  1. Mike,

    'Heartbreak Hotel' is a great Elvis classic that never gets old. The rest of your song choices today are new-to-me, which I very much appreciated. I especially enjoyed Elvis Costello's 'Alison' track. Thanks for hitting the dance floor with the 4M gang. Have a boogietastic week, my friend!

  2. Elvis Costello is one of those singers I never really got into but feel like I should, you know?

  3. Nice songs, enjoyed them all. We both picked "Heartbreak Hotel."

  4. Happy Birthday Elvis. Head and shoulders above the others although I prefer the other Elvis!

  5. There really is no comparison between Elvis Presley and "The Poor People of Paris". It's no wonder he was so popular!

  6. Great songs and I always forget about Elvis Costello although my family does enjoy his music as well. I can't wait to check out the other songs you chose as they are one's I haven't heard of before.

  7. Holy Cow, I haven't heard these songs in a coon's age! My brother is six years older than I so I remember them coming from his room off of his record player. WOW! Nostalgia time for sure & holy Elvis Costello tunes galore today! Great pickins' here my friend! Thanks for playin' along with us! Woo Hoo... YOU ROCK!

  8. Bunch of winners here, Mike! "The Poor People of Paris" was #1 the day I was born, so I always feel a connection with that one, and Gogi Grant had the kind of woman's voice I really love, powerful and not too high. Her "The Wayward Wind" is magnificent. And, while I'm not a real Elvis Costello fan, I've always liked "Alison." Good set!

  9. You definitely has the man's birthday party down :)
    Thanks for rocking
    Have a great week!

  10. Oh, what a set. Hadn't heard "The Poor People of Paris" or "The Wayward Wind" in years. I had forgotten how charming "The Poor People of Paris" is. "Alison" was new to me - I am not a real Elvis Costello fan but I do think he is a great musical talent - his songs are all unique; not copies of each other. Happy New Year to you!

  11. You can never go wrong with "Heartbreak Hotel"! The other songs are awesome too - new oldies to me! Thanks for the introduction, and for the dance! :)
