Thursday, January 24, 2019

Battle 99 Results: Battle of the Bands

The difference on my battle is I used the English version. The monster pop hit, the annoying earworm, and probably a huge cash cow for Nena provided a tight Battle of the Bands. Of course credit for the close battle has to be the contenders Goldfinger and Sleeping at Last.

Sleeping at Last won 4-3. Congrats to them! I won't celebrate their music because there is a chance they may appear in a future battle down the road. They perform unique covers of pop songs.

Anyway I will be back with an all new battle February 1 so stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. AS close as you can get without being a tie. Good match up and the right band won (in my opinion).

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out
