Sunday, December 9, 2018

Battle of the Bands Result: As Tears Go By

The way things unfolded I think I should have went with a Christmas song. It is very ironic that I went with "As Tears Go By." It foreshadowed my life and certainly there was enough tears going by last week.

Not to be a Debbie Downer there were some good things happening on my blog. We have a winner! Marianne Faithful won 6 to 1.  It wasn't a close battle but it wasn't a shut out thanks John! Visit his blog it is a fun one!

Even though votes were a little down I did have a new voter. I hope Aisasami will continue to visit and vote. Maybe join the fun?

Like I said we have a winner! We celebrate winners here so let's go!

                                               "Broken English"

"The Ballad of Lucy Jordan"

"The Pleasure Song"

Thanks for visiting! I will be back on the 15th with a new Battle. On Monday's this month I am posting Holiday music. I'm sure I will post something in between so feel free to come back!

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