Saturday, December 15, 2018

Battle of the Bands: Angels We Have Heard on High

Today I was supposed to be playing "Angels We Have Heard on High" at a recital. Well today I am supposed to work. The latter of the things I'm supposed to do won out! Well since it is the 15th I can play the song here for my Battle of the Bands tune. I promise they will sound better than I would. The song is a well known carol/hymn so I won't go with an original just the contenders.

Contender One: Chris Tomlin

Contender Two: Michael W. Smith

You know the deal vote for the one you like best in the comments. I will count them up and post a winner before Christmas. Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a wonderful Holiday Season!


  1. The beauty of Christmas carols is that everyone knows them and can sing along. I felt that I could sing along with Chris Tomlin's version; I didn't feel that I could along with Michael W. Smith. Chris gets my vote.

  2. Sorry you had to work on the weekend, Mike. These are interesting covers; Christmas carols turned into pop/rock songs. Please give my vote to Michael W. Smith. I like the arrangement and vocals a bit better, but to be honest, when it comes to these songs, I'm more of a traditionalist.

  3. MIKE ~
    I liked this Christmas song really well, long before I learned its correct title. For awhile, I used to think it was called 'Gloria'.

    I played the Chris Tomlin version and enjoyed it. But then when I went to play Michael W. Smith, before long I was thinking: This is practically noise. It almost sounds like two songs playing at once! ...That's when I noticed that I accidentally had Chris and Michael's videos both playing simultaneously. Ha!

    In the end, CHRIS gets my vote. Michael sounded too much like Dennis DeYoung to suit me. Plus, I preferred the more straightforward and traditional melodic approach by Chris.

    I hope you have a Merry Christmas, Mike!!

    ~ D-FensDogG @ STMcC Presents 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS'

  4. I struggled to listen to Michael W Smith. My ears were not having it! However, my ears enjoyed listening to Chris Tomlin. Therefore, hence, and wheretofore, my vote is for Chris Tomlin.

    #BattleOfTheBands : Christmas Edition

  5. I like both of these artists. I've followed Smith's music since the eighties and Tomlin's music sometime in this present century.

    I immediately got into Tomlin's version and figured I'd be casting my vote for him, but then I listened to Smith's version and remembered why I've liked his music so much. I like his twist on the melody and the neat musical embellishments that he adds to the production

    A big vote for Michael W Smith.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  6. Merry Mikemas!

    These are two Christian artists that are always on my play list, but not for this particular song. I really had to listen and try to grasp why one is better than the other (IMHO). Both are unique takes on a classic and I love the song chosen.

    In the end, I gotta say I just am not crazy for the Smith version so much, but Tomlin delivers on this tune. While listening, I found myself saying, "where ya going with this Michael K. Smith?" but thoroughly enjoyed Chris Tomlin.


  7. Version #2 Michael Smith. Much better composition and his voice didn't have to compete with the instruments. I actually like this!

  8. Version #2 Michael Smith. Far better arrangement and vocals.

  9. Ooooooooooooh, this is a tough one as both artists are equally talented. But I love Michael W. Smith's version more as it is a late 80s' tune. I also like the embellishments here put through the song and the sub-melody going on with the violin and trumpet before the chorus. It's aads something different to the song and it is refreshing!

    Merry Christmas!

