Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving!

There are lots of things to be thankful for and a lot of those things we probably overlook most of the time. One thing I am glad I'm not a turkey around this time of year. According to about 46 million turkeys are consumed in the United States on Thanksgiving.

I'm thankful that I am blessed with healthy children. Raising children is not easy, but I can't fathom how difficult it would be if they were not healthy. However, some parents due raise children that have health issues. To those I am thankful for your children and I am thankful somehow you find a way.

I'm thankful for my blog. I'm thankful I can write about anything I want. Of course I am thankful for my readers, my audience. It is nice to see they have visited and it is fun to read their comments.

I'm thankful for my day job. It is much better than being unemployed. I have plenty of vacation and sick leave. I have so many benefits to be thankful for.

I'm thankful I have a roof over my head. I'm thankful I have internet and smartphones. I am thankful I am not hungry or thirsty. I am thankful Hurricane Michael moved a few miles further east. While I am thankful we dodged it I know many were struck with destruction. I am thankful for the volunteers who fed, housed, cleaned up and repair. I know there is still so much to do but I am glad there are more volunteers.

I'm thankful I have been able to help the homeless in three different states. I am thankful there are people willing to help and provide food and shelter.

Yes there is so much to do, but I am thankful for what is happening. I am thankful for my blessings and I hope you have some too!

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