Thursday, November 15, 2018

Battle of the Bands: Guitar War

It is time to throw out an odd twist for my last Battle of the Bands of November. Instead of rocking out, I am going to shift gears. How about stripped down, classical, acoustic guitar.  Maybe the kind you might hear in a movie? Let's do it!

Cavatina composed by Stanley Myers. Is the selection first up..

                                                  John Williams

                                                                 Kaori Muraji


You know the drill vote for John or Karori in the comments. Bonus points name a film this piece has been in. See you soon!


  1. This is a tough one as they are both really good. But I think I'm going to vote for Kaori Muraji.

    #BattleOfTheBands : The Caffeine Battle

  2. These are nice sounds to hear as I get ready for bed. Let me get to this quick as I am now ready.

    I definitely prefer the first recording (John Williams) as it has a mellower more peaceful sound. Kaori's version seems to come on a bit stronger, but maybe it's just recorded at a higher volume.

    Anyway the dreamy quality of the first version captivates me. That's my vote.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  3. MIKE ~
    I must have seen 'The Deer Hunter' ten times in the theatres during its 1978 run, and I fell in love with this melody. It's so haunting. It was already haunting the first time I heard it, but now it also contains a nostalgic factor as well, since it takes me back 40 years.

    I love and prefer the simplicity of the JOHN WILLIAMS version, which only adds to the bittersweet quality of the melody.

    ~ D-FensDogG at STMcC Presents 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS'

  4. Technically and spiritually, I think John Williams nailed it.

  5. I know the first version well as it is often played on the classical radio station. They are both excellent but I give it to Kaori because of her excellence with the guitar. She is superb

  6. Really nice Mike!
    I like both versions and would enjoy listening to each of them and have them lull me to sleep. I just may put them in one of my playlists to do just that.
    I'll give my vote to Kaori.

    Have a great Thanksgiving.

    Michele at Angels Bark

  7. Is there still time to vote? Sorry I missed it, earlier! This is from The Deer Hunter, a movie that haunted me for a long time afterwards. Both versions are good, but my vote goes to Kaori. She made me "feel" it more. Happy Thanksgiving to you!
