Sunday, September 23, 2018

Monday's Music Moves Me: Songs About What I like About Autumn

I'm going to dance this week! Yeah, nay, and slowly move the fragile items out of my way.  Today's theme is songs about what you like about Autumn chosen by the lovely Cathy at Curious as a Cathy.

Summer officially ended this weekend. Where I live it still feels like summer high humidity, temps around 90, and evening thunderstorms. Schools started for the kids but they are already entering their seventh week.

Well since I am far away from the crisp, cool Autumn air which would feel quite refreshing right about now and the other signs of Autumn are so distant there is always music.

Autumn means football! What better way to start the music than with Kenny Chesney's "The Boys of Fall"

I do miss the leaves changing colors and was something I used to look forward too.

Doris Day with "Autumn Leaves"

I like the night air, great for a walk, or fitting for the 4Ms maybe a "Moondance" by Van Morrison 

Sure I like other things about Autumn but these three songs is a good start. Thanks for visiting and I will see you soon!


  1. Mike,

    Oh, I liked your intro "the lovely Cathy at CAAC"! LOL I'm telling Santa to put you on the Nice List for Christmas. :) It's not feeling much like fall in East Tennessee, either but I know change is coming...slowly. I'm more than ready for it, too. Summer's heat & humidity hung around last week with temps in the upper 80s while DD#2 enjoyed cooler weather (low 60s) in her Maine home. Kenny Chesney is a hometown boy but I don't listen to his mewsic unless I stumble on it when visiting other sites. Doris Day sings "Autumn Leaves" so beautifully. I really like her voice. I often forget the reference to fall in "Moondance' Nether the cover of October skies. You put that ole jazzy groove in my move with Van Morrison 1977 Billboard Hot 100 chart hit (#92). Thanks for sharing and hitting the dance floor with us. Hopefully, you didn't break anything fragile this morning. ;) Have a tunetastic week, my friend!

  2. I think a few people came up with "Autumn Leaves" as one of their songs. I'm not complaining, it's a timeless classic. Van's "Moondance" is a classic, too, and the Kenny Chesney song was great. Good set!

  3. Great songs. Thanks for sharing them.

  4. Great post! You chose some good ones here.


  5. Hi Mike,
    Kenny Chesney's song is perfect for this theme. I was thrilled that my Buffalo Bills won so handily after being crushed in the first week of the season. Every year I keep hoping that they will return to their glory days of the early 90s but alas, each year is always a disappointment. The first two weeks had my head hanging but I feel like I'm back in the game with high hopes of a recovery. That remains to be seen...

    Great picks on your song choices, especially Moondance! Such a great song. I miss those long strolls on cool Fall nights. I never get those anymore out here in Austin. So all I have is memory of my long-ago cool days. Sounds like you are in the same boat as me being in a warm climate...

    May we get some cool air flowing through our locales soon! :)

    Michele at Angels Bark

  6. Our autumn leaf turning show in upstate New York just hasn't been the same these past few years, but I still enjoy apples, winter squash, and fall festivals. Kenny Chesney's song evoked a type of growing up I never experienced, and was nice for that. Doris Day - what can I say? In her 90's now, she is still a treasure. Moondance is a nice song, too. Thank you for the dance!
