Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Battle of the Bands: Summertime Blues

It is August already! Summer is almost over. School starts in a couple of weeks.  Summer is being shrunk! I did a few cool things but not everything I wanted to this Summer.  Now of course where I am summer will last through October and be back in April. But right now I guess I have the "Summertime Blues."

The Original by Eddie Cochrane..

Contestant One: Blue Cheer

Contestant Two: The Who

Please vote in the comments! Blue Cheer or The Who? Let me know who wins with your vote. I will count up the votes and post about the winner sometime before the next battle on the 15th!


  1. Both versions are classics. My personal sentimental favorite is the version by Blue Cheer. I listened to that album a lot. I listened to the Who's version a lot as well, but my vote is going to Blue Cheer.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  2. I thought for sure I was going to vote for The Who, but I just couldn't get behind their vocals on this one. My vote is for Blue Cheer.

    Jingle Jangle Jungle

  3. Big fan of Eddie Cochran here! He's my favorite of all the '50s rockers and I used to have an Eddie Cochran pin that I wore for years on my black leather jacket in my late teens or early-20s. I've also said that I think the original seed for what would much later become known as "Punk Rock" was first planted by Eddie in 'Summertime Blues', way back in 1958.

    I don't really care for either of these versions, to be quite honest. Blue Cheer kept leaving out the terrific closing lines of verses ("My boss said, 'No dice, son, you gotta work late'." -- "I'd like to help you, son, but you're too young to vote."). And they sounded so typical of many of those late '60s bands, all trippin' on LSD and not really able to play their instruments particularly well.

    And then with The Who, we see Pete Townshend jumping around senselessly and looking utterly foolish on stage. He's embarrassing to watch.

    Both recordings are pretty sloppy, in my opinion, but in the final analysis, I'll give my vote to The Who.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    STMcC Presents 'Battle Of The Bands'

  4. I almost turned off Blue Cheer because I found it irritating. My vote goes to The Who all the way for not only his singing but the guitar!

  5. I always preferred Blue Cheer's cover of this tune, even more than the original. Maybe it's just having grown up with it. Blue Cheer for me.

  6. everybody is talking about growing up with Blue Cheer and I've never heard of them! I didn't care much for their version. It was too one-sided, in my opinion. Like I was only hearing the song through one speaker or something. It was just missing something.
    So I'm giving my vote to the Who.

    Have a good week,

    Michele at Angels Bark
