Thursday, June 14, 2018

Battle of the Bands: I'm Still Standing

Elton John won my last Battle of the Bands and I really didn't have a song in mind for this round. So, I decided I would use the winner for inspiration. Elton John has had a long, successful career filled with a ton of songs.

The song for this round is "I'm Still Standing."

Contender One: Martha Wash

Contender Two: Taron Egerton

Both of my covers can be found on movie soundtracks. Martha's on The First Wives Club and Sing! Also all three of the versions on this blog are lyric videos. Another random set of coincidences is the voting is done in the comments. You pick your favorite from the two contenders and I tally the votes and announce a winner sometime before Christmas I mean July 1st. Hope you enjoy the battle and I will have another post up soon!


  1. Mike,

    I liked Elton John's earlier mewsic. I think in this battle, I preferred contender #2. Her vocals aren't as sharp sounding to my ears as the first gal. Give my vote to Taron Egerton, please. Have a good weekend, my friend. I'll see you on the dance floor Monday!

    Curious as a Cathy

  2. Definitely Martha Wash! She puts more 'oomph' into it. I was disappointed that Elton beat out Neil for your last battle. Oh well, at least it was close.

  3. I give my vote to Taron whom I could understand better as his voice was clearer than the first song. her voice was almost ready to go every which way..I didn't care for it as much but I have to say Taron didn't bring it when he sang, "Yeah, Yeah, yeah." regardless, he gets my vote

  4. I watched Sing with my grandkids and liked it. Martha Wash's version sounded a bit cacophonous on my little travel computer while the Taron Egerton version was more pleasing to me. I vote for Taron.

    Tossing It Out

  5. Good song and good recording choices, MIKE! That string of shutouts already feels like ancient history.

    At the very beginning, I wasn't much into MARTHA WASH's version as it seemed too Discofied to my ears. But as the song went on, I got more and more into it until finally I had my groove thang on.

    There was nuttin' at all wrong with Taron's cover -- he did it really well, also -- but I could feel the defiance more in MARTHA's treatment of the song, so she gets my groovy vote.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    STMcC Presents 'Battle Of The Bands'

  6. Whew!

    That Martha sure tired me out just listening to her. She gave it her all and then some, but it felt rushed.

    On the other hand, Taron was a welcome relief to my old ears.

    My vote definitely goes to Taron.

    Sidenote: would it be possible in future battles to post results with number of votes given for each? I keep a spreadsheet of all the battles and the results. Having the number of votes comes in handy when making decisions on whether to use specific artists/songs in future battles.

    Jingle Jangle Jungle - This blog has gone to the dogs

  7. Thanks for finally writing about >"Battle of the Bands: I'm Still Standing" <Loved it!

  8. When I saw the title of the song I thought I didn't know it but within the first few notes, I was saying 'Yeah, yeah, yeah"... :)
    I didn't like the first one at all. Martha Wash's version seemed so fast. I couldn't understand the words when she was singing it.
    I liked Taron Egerton's version much better.
    Still like Elton's best but Taron gets my vote today.

    Michele at Angels Bark

  9. I liked the raw quality of Martha Wash's version of the tune, so I'm going with her, although they were both good.
