Sunday, May 27, 2018

Monday's Music Moves Me: Memorial Day Edition

Today's edition of Monday's Music Moves Me is a freebie. Since it falls on Memorial Day I thought it would be appropriate to pay tribute via music.

According to "Memorial Day is an American holiday, observed on the last Monday of May, honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military."

Music provides a wonderful way to pay tribute. Provides a chance to take a timeout from enjoying the Holiday and reflect on the true meaning of the Holiday. To those who served and have lost a brother and/or sisters in arms I am sorry for your loss. To those who have a lost a family member due to the sacrifices of your family member I am sorry for your loss.

I'll start the music with David Ball's "Riding with Private Malone"...

Coffey Anderson "Memorial Day Song"..

George Jones "50,000 Names"


Enjoy the Holiday, enjoy the tunes, but remember the reason for the Holiday.


  1. Great job Mike! Sure made me feel quite patriotic! We're a pretty patriotic family here and we have our little Uncle Sam and flags out in front just like everyone else, but deep in my heart I prayed for all our Vets this morning that lost their lives protecting this great country of ours, but then I think of how all these spoiled children are fighting over these petty things going on today! It's a dam shame and I hope one day they shall open their eyes and their hearts and realize this is the only country we have and start to protect & love it so much more! Have a great day my friend. Don't eat too much and may the Lord bless you & protect you! hugs

  2. Hey Mike!

    Great tribute today. You've got some really great songs posted here.

    Jingle Jangle Jungle

  3. These were wonderful selctions. "Riding with Private Malone" was especially poignant, and I wish I had a reason to hire Coffey Anderson, because I'll bet he has lots of songs like the one he shared. And George Jones... like I always say, now that's country.

  4. Beautiful songs and thanks for sharing them. Have a wonderful day.

  5. Mike,

    What a warm tribute for those who gave their lives protecting our liberties! I can never say thank you enough nor can I say I'm sorry enough for the families loss. I pray for peace for the families and hope for the future that their sacrifice was not in vain. We need not forget the cost paid long ago or recent past to preserve our freedom. Thank for beautiful remembrance through mewsic. May God bless America!

  6. Hi Mike,
    This is a wonderful Memorial Day tribute. Perfect song choices. And THANK YOU for introducing me to David Ball's "Riding with Private Malone".What a wonderful story!

    Hope you had a good weekend,

    Michele at Angels Bark

  7. I cried my way through "Riding with Private Malone" (a song new to me). May we all find peace in our time, although I somehow think that will never happen. New generations will go to war, and Taps will be played over some of them.

  8. What an awesome Memorial Day tribute, Mike! Thanks for sharing! :)
