Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Battle of the Bands: Stories We Could Tell

Battle of the Bands now back to twice a month! I'm going to stay with the same songwriter I used last month. John Sebastian. Again his song is appropriate. Saturday I took a left turn instead of going home and spent the night in New Orleans. Caught a caught a cool all star band at a club Saturday and caught Jimmy Buffett at Jazz Fest Sunday before coming home. So I probably have a few "Stories We Could Tell."

Contestant One: Jimmy Buffett 

Contestant Two: Everly Brothers

Same deal! Vote in the comments and I'll tell a story about who wins sometime before the 15th. But come back before that and I might share another story.


  1. Mike,

    I had to listen to both covers a couple of times before knowing which way to vote but I finally figured out I like Jimmy Buffet the best. The harmonica in the opening and the general entanglement Margaretville vibes made this Buffet's cover more his own. Nothing special captured my ears with the Everly Brothers' cover. Have a good day, my friend!

    Thanks for stopping by to vote in my latest BoTB!

    ~Curious as a Cathy
    Rock Country Roads #BoTB Showdown

  2. Both are great covers. But I am drawn to Jimmy Buffet. I bet he could sure tell some stories!

    Jingle Jangle Jungle

  3. Hi, Hello, Howdy, MIKE ~

    I took one look at the contestants and thought: Everly Brothers.

    But then I listened. And now I say: JIMMY BUFFETT

    Other than the song 'Margaritaville' -- which I like a lot -- I have never been a fan of anything I've heard by Buffett. But this one, 'Stories We Could Tell', I really dig! It has that care-free, light 'n' breezy feeling and immediately put me into a mellow mood.

    By comparison, The Everly Bros sound kind of somber and bordering on ponderous. By "comparison" only.

    And, hoo-boy! The stories that I could tell, too. In fact, sometimes I DO!

    FUN FACT: My official beer cup is decorated with a "Margaritaville" patch on it, which you can see [Link> HERE.

    That's actually my 2nd official beer cup. It came with the dogwood flowers on it, and I added the "Margaritaville" patch, which I transferred to it from my 1st official beer cup. The first cup got broken when my Brother threw it at me. ...But that's a story I am not going to tell right now. Ha! ;^)

    ~ Stephen
    STMcC Presents 'Battle Of The Bands'

  4. This is a song I either missed or lost memory of. Two great versions. I like the Everly's version a lot, but I'm connecting better with the Parrothead music.

    I'm voting Jimmy Buffet.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out
