Monday, May 14, 2018

Battle of the Bands: Jimmy Buffett has the best stories

Back to back shut outs on the Battle of the Bands for me. I went with John Sebastian back to back  so I won't be going back to his songwriting well anytime soon. Only four votes this time. Of course this was the first time I've had a battle on the first in a long time. I am now doing the Battles twice a month.

The song I used was "Stories We Could Tell." The song was written by the shut out bringing John Sebastian. I pitted Jimmy Buffett against The Everly Brothers. The results were four to nil in favor of Jimmy.

The song fits Jimmy Buffett. He has the story telling down be it in the old tales he used to tell, the novels he has authored and in the songs that he sings.

I am going to celebrate with some stories in songs. Warning label there might be some adult language or topics in some of these songs..."God's Own Drunk"...

How about a "Semi-True Story"...

It waits behind "door number three"...

I hope you enjoyed and I will back with a new battle tomorrow! Come vote and no shut outs please!

1 comment:

  1. I could not see the first video at all...bummer. I will go with the 2nd one because it sounded less twangy. The 3rd pick was too country for me:)
