Sunday, April 22, 2018

Monday's Music Moves Me: Earth Day!

  Earth Day is today's topic on this weeks Monday's Music Moves Me

I am sure everyone will pick this song..."Mercy, Mercy, Mercy Me" Marvin Gaye...

Maybe we can take a "Big Yellow Taxi" to a tree museum..

"And all the fish that lay in dirty water dying" well with lyrics like that Led Zeppelin get on the play list with "That's The Way"

How about some Swamp Rock from the late Bobby Charles "Clean Water" 

Happy Earth Day! Stay tuned for new music!


  1. Mike,

    I really like your spin on our 'Earth' theme song week. I actually had to chuckle at your song choice, 'Big Yellow Taxi' because I'm sure environmentalist would rather for you to walk everywhere instead of relying on evil ole cars to get you from point A to point B. :) Thanks for sharing the dance floor with the 4M gang, my friend and have a dancetastic week!

    ~Curious as a Cathy
    A2Z iPad Art Sketch 'T' Turtle Couple which also includes 4M, BoTB, & Sparks!

  2. Excellent song choices for Earth Day! I enjoyed them all! :) Have a great week! :)

  3. I almost picked Joni Mitchell. It is such a great song. Thanks for doing it for me.

  4. Nice selection here. I thought I recognized Bobby Charles's name; he's written some great songs.

  5. Hey Dude, whazzzzzzzzzzzzz uppppp!!! ~hehehe~ Ya got some nice pickins' here my friend & fabulous for the theme... way ta go!!! I wanted to stop by & say hi, but I'm afraid I have to run so I can say hello to all! Thanks for the boogie... you dance divinely... ~hehehe~

  6. Those are super selections. I knew someone would play Mercy Mercy Me and Big Yellow Taxi. Thanks.

  7. Very good selections!
    I've always enjoyed Big Yellow Taxi!
