Sunday, April 1, 2018

Monday's Music Moves Me: Baseball Songs

I am being ambitious this April on my blog. Yes I am doing the A to Z Challenge. Also this month I am doing the Battle of the Bands post on the 15th like usual. I am also planning to participate in the Monday's Music Moves Me posts as well. Today's post in the 4M world is a freebie.  Certainly I could use this post as my A to Z post. I won't. My A to Z post will come out later and will be on the subject of baseball. My post in here will share the theme of baseball. Sit back, get ready and play ball!

"Take Me Out To The Ballgame"

The lyrics to the above song have changed a bit over a 110 years ago since that version was recorded. The below song is vintage as well. I don't think I have ever heard it before.

"It's A Beautiful Day For A Ball Game Song"

More contemporary and a wonderful story here is Kenny Rogers with "The Greatest"

We're "Talkin' Baseball" here, right Terry Cashman

I'm ready! Put me in coach! I can play..."Centerfield"

John Fogerty's song is easily one of my favorite baseball songs. What are yours that I may have missed? Are you happy baseball season is back? Well thanks for visiting and check out the other 4M participants here.


  1. I'm likin' Centerfield. It gets you hoppin' and boppin'! Makes a person feel happy and think of SUNSHINE!!!! WOO HOO!!! IS IT SPRING YET??? COME ON SPRING!!! WOO HOO!

  2. Great songs. I am a huge baseball fan and I loved all of them. Have you ever heard of the group "The Baseball Project". They write songs and sing about baseball. I think that you would like them.

  3. Great minds think alike and the great thing is Centerfield is the only song we repeated. Play ball although our home opener was postponed today cos of snow. Thanks for sharing and good luck on A 2 Z.

  4. Some of these are great songs and I enjoyed listening to them. It’s also fun watching them as they go to a by gone era.

  5. Centerfield is one of my favorites.

  6. There are so many good baseball songs, but one of my favorite recordings is Mandy Patinkin singing "Take Me Out To The Ballgame" and "God Bless America" in Yiddish:

    I think Terry Cashman did different versions of "Talkin' Baseball" for different cities. I heard a version that was for the Braves when they strarted their big run.

    And, of course, there's always "Let's Go, Go-Go White Sox" by Captain Stubby and the Buccaneers:

  7. Centerfield is one of my favorites! Thanks for the fun dance! :)

  8. I was such a baseball fan as a kid - and now I don't even like minor league ball that much. But there are so many great baseball songs out there - and I think Centerfield is the best of them all. (We have Tim Tebow playing on our AA team right now so maybe I will shiver out there to see him play - maybe!)
