Friday, April 6, 2018

Blogging from A to Z 2018: F is for The Finest Hours

3905038 A lot of my reading of late is influenced by television and the movies. My latest read is a prime example of that. The Finest Hours was made into a movie in 2016. A trailer for The Disney Movie is below...

The Coast Guard men in the book/movie came through in their finest hours. It was based on a true story and without a doubt they were heroes. Obviously the men had to enlist into thw Coast Guard. Second a bad storm needed to develop. The tragedy of two ships falling apart in the frigid waters needed to fall in place. Lastly the Coasties needed to rescue folks to be heroes. The book discussed one boat which was unsuccessful. The brave men where lucky to return to shore. The book went farther than the movie and discussed some if the guilt and other feelings that went with becoming heroes. The story had been told before and was choppy at times. However, the story did tell the tale of some courageous Coast Guard members. 

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